Valentine's Day Date Ideas

Valentine's Day Date Ideas

I asked Brandon to work with me on this post, I wanted to get his thoughts on Valentine's Day, and his first response was "cool, yeah, but don't call it Valentine's Day date ideas or something, that sounds so cheesy.";) #noted. If you know me well enough, you know I love any excuse to celebrate, even if that just means staying in & planning something fun. So, together, we came up with this list of five fun ways to spend your Valentine's Day!

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1. Movie night! The obvious, easy date night. But spice it up a little bit, blow up an air mattress on the living room floor, order pizza or Chinese food & rent something you both want to see! Try Martian if you're looking for something new, Valentine's Day if you want something romantic & festive, or Wedding Crashers for a good laugh.

2. A Valentine's Day Feast Challenge! We love cooking together, and it's super therapeutic! Head to the grocery store with a $20 bill each, split up & pick out whatever you can come up with, using only that money. Then using only the ingredients the other person bought (and spices you may have at home) you must creatively cook a meal for them.  Take your time cooking, throw on some good tunes & don't forget the wine. ;) And wherever you decide to eat your meal, don't forget to string up some leftover Christmas lights just for the fun of it.

3. Dress up & go try a new restaurant. It's easy to get in habits of eating at the same places (ahem, chipotle) but it's so fun to be in new environment & try new food. Maybe even order for each other. And if you don't feel like dressing up? Throw on your pajamas & head to your favorite breakfast-for-dinner restaurant, you can never go wrong with pancakes.

4. Grab a cocktail, a coffee or even your favorite snack, and take turns playing songs from your favorite playlist that you both put together ahead of time (or impromptu picks!) Maybe songs from when you first fell in love, or songs that you just can't help but get up and dance to! This is one of our favorite stay-at-home date nights for after the kids go to bed.

5. Flowers aren't really your thing? Spend the evening picking up a few bouquets of flowers, or even splitting them into mini-bouquets & drive around to deliver to others! Maybe that is your mom or grandma, a friend who has lost a loved one or is going through a tough time or just someone sweet who might need a little pick me up. Giving is always better than receiving, and we can bet you'll feel extra warm & fuzzy inside with this date night idea.

Brandon & I have been married for over seven years & were high school sweethearts. It's kinda crazy to look back on all of our years together, and at the end of the day, one major thing stands out. We have always made it a priority to make time for our relationship. Life is crazy and chaotic, work & kids consume our every day. But not a single week goes by where we don't get to kick back with a drink, hold hands & laugh about something. We text love notes, make each others coffee, and go out of our way to do little things that make each others life a little bit easier. Not to say that marriage doesn't come with its fair share of struggles & arguments, I could probably go on all day about things we disagree on or fight about. But that's not what relationships are about! ;) So may Valentine's Day be a little reminder to focus on the good, to celebrate all the things there are to love about eachother & to have a little fun. 

Thanks for reading my ramblings. Do share your favorite date night ideas. And have the happiest Valentine's week! XO

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