Our Weekend + Laughs Lately

Our Weekend + Laughs Lately

This weekend was a good one for us. Relaxing after all of the birthday festivities & getting outside to enjoy some beautiful 60 degree weather. Much needed around here, since we haven't seen the sun in a while! We are gearing up for a bunch of trips this Spring, so it feels good to have no plans right now & just take the time to soak in long days spent together. We were able to get to the park & the flea market this weekend, and took the girls out for Mexican food where Eloise dipped her chips in guacamole, then applesauce, then her water, and ate every last bite. Harper had an extra ballet class to prepare for her Spring recital, I can't tell you how excited I am! I thought I would share a few quick pics from the last few days, there is never a dull moment around here & we are really loving the dynamic between the girls' at their current ages.

I have a major fear of kids having balloons, I just see too many things going wrong, but the girls LOVE them and we have so many leftover from the birthday party that I just don't have the heart to take them away quite yet.

My mom bought Harper & Eloise doll strollers, and they have been playing with them non stop. Their favorite party trick is putting Claire in it (with our help), which might be one of the funniest things ever.

Nothing makes our week better than getting to meet daddy for lunch. And free ice cream.

Claire in a swing. We can't tell it she loves it or absolutely hates it. She stays in this exact position & doesn't move a muscle, but seems content. So we're gonna go with loves it. ;)

 We live for weekend breakfasts at home together. Pancakes for me & Harper, waffles for dad, Eloise & Claire. Music on, sipping coffee & feeling so thankful.
Also, we have a super exciting giveaway happening over on Instagram this week, so if you don't follow already, find us @jlgarvin. 
Hope you all had a great weekend!!! XO

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