Sister Snapshot

Sister Snapshot

One of my favorite things to read in my old blog posts are the lengthy snapshots about each girl at whatever age they were. I used to do them monthly, then maybe every four or five months, and now, who can keep track?! ;) I thought it would be fun to do snapshots of the girls at their current ages all together, I know I love following along with a lot of you who had babies the same times as me, so I hope you will enjoy reading these as well! 

Let's start with our big girl!
Harper // 4 years
The sweetest, most kind hearted four year old we have ever met. Curious, smart & has the best imagination. She loves to play house, dress up & cook in her play kitchen. Always watches out for her little sisters, she cares so much about their feelings & does her best to make sure they don't get in any trouble (if Eloise goes to time out, she has to sit down right there with her). She loves art, but gets really frustrated with herself when she can't draw as good as she wants to. She is obsessed with board games, Hi-Ho-Cherry-O and Candyland are her favorites.
Almost always dresses herself, loves to make her bed & rambles on all day long about plans for things, our camping trip, her next night to stay at grandmas, or even what we are going to make for dinner. So sweet. Favorite foods are chicken noodle soup, blueberry pancakes & carrots + hummus. Favorite movies are Little Mermaid & Tangled, and loves watching Sofia the First & Fixer Upper! She recently asked us how many marshmallows could be roasted on an erupting volcano, because probably a lot! ;)

Eloise // 22 months
Wild wild weezy. This girl is the definition of a toddler tornado, I feel like I spent 70% of my day taking things that she brings to me that she isn't supposed to have (silverware, markers, snacks that she digs out of the pantry, shoes that she pulls out of the closet, etc. you get the point). She also is one of those kids who you just cannot help but laugh at everything they do because they are just so innocent & cute. She really has the best of intentions (most of the time) and just loves to make us all smile. She knows shes funny, and most of her mischief can be immediately forgiven after she leaps into your arms for a hug.
She loves being read to, she wants to know colors and numbers, her favorite books are Goodnight Moon & Pajama Time (and knows all the words). She loves her baby dolls, blankies & wearing her rainboots on the wrong feet. Her favorite things are puppies, ketchup & basketball, in that order. ;) Her new favorite expression is "oh goodness!" and I hope that stays forever.

Claire // 8 months
Sweet baby Claire. Still the worlds worst sleeper, or at least most inconsistent. There are weeks that she will sleep through the night, then for seven days straight she is up screaming all night long. We have tried every sleep training method, she puts herself to sleep on her own every night, she isn't teething, isn't hungry (literally won't even finish a bottle when I do try to feed her), girlfriend just wants to hang out. Wants to be held & rocked & stay awake. I know it can probably be so much worse, but I just cannot believe we are still going through this at eight months, bleh! 
Other than that, she is a pretty easy baby, she looooooves to eat, we have gone the total baby led weaning route with her & it has been wonderful. She loves peaches, bananas, mashed potatoes, broccoli, green beans, waffles, carrots & sweet potatoes. She is almost crawling, has no teeth & loves to babble and blow bubbles.

These three girls, if I could freeze this moment in time, I would. Starting with the middle of the night when Claire is sleeping! ;)

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