Mini Meals + Baby Led Weaning Update

Mini Meals + Baby Led Weaning Update

 Checking in with a little update on some mini meals from the last few weeks, we have been trying a few new recipes & making sure to incorporate things that work for the whole family, including messy toddlers & our eight month old. I mentioned before that we are doing baby led weaning with her this time around, as she had zero interest in purees or being fed anything from a spoon for the first few months of eating. Now that we give her things we are eating, she is the happiest baby! We can all enjoy meals together and we love that. To be honest, things I give her do still scare me every time.

 Everyone recommends bananas, and she does love them, but I never let her hold them on her own because she loves to chomp off a big mouth full & it terrifies me. I give her waffles, muffins, toast, really carbs of any kind seem to be a huge hit! She loves sweet potatoes, I cut them like french fries & roast them in the oven (she eats the soft ones, we like them crunchy!), but you can also get bags of frozen ones to throw in the microwave to steam. She also loves broccoli, which is great because it kinda falls apart so it doesn't scare me as much, green beans have been a big hit, peas & also cooked carrots. For fruit, I give her blueberries cut in half, thinly sliced apples or pears, but things like soft peaches she will just chew on the whole thing. It's totally messy, but pretty cute! She is getting to a point where she can pick things up on her own, so I do give her small pieces of things like noodles or chicken, but honestly she would take a giant piece of pizza crust over all of that! ;) We also gave her scrambled eggs for the first time last weekend & she loved them!! They really are the perfect size/consistency for babies to eat. She still has no teeth, but is not afraid of taking bites of things nonetheless, so I am still overly cautious of things she might be able to chomp into and accidentally swallow.

On top of trying to make meals that we can give to Claire, I have been trying to minimize prep + clean up time by trying more one pot meals. And you guys, they are everything! I'm not going to lie, I didn't really realize that one pot meals were a thing, but once you start doing it, you kinda just want to find a way to make everything that way!! ;) I will be pinning a bunch of favorites over the next few weeks on my pinterest boards, but in the mean time, here are a few recent ones we have LOVED.

One way or another, this little meatloaf is definitely taking in enough calories, she weighed in at a whopping 20 lbs. this weekend. Well, on the grocery store scale anyway! ;)

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