My 5 Favorite Pieces of Parenting Advice

My 5 Favorite Pieces of Parenting Advice

Parenting advice is everywhere these days, some good, some bad, and some downright ugly. I think as moms, we file away every single piece of advice, every single tip, trick or story we have ever heard into our brains, and constantly question ourselves about whether we are doing things right. Especially in the middle of the night, when we are supposed to be doing that weird thing called sleeping. I am by nooooo means a parenting expert, but over the last 5 years, have come to collect quite a few great pieces of advice from friends and family, and thought it would be fun to share a few of my favorites. Especially ones that aren't so common, but I think we can all relate to!

1. Never take unsolicited parenting advice. At least don't take it to heart. Every parent does things differently, and for good reason. What works for one may not work for another. Just remember that people giving you advice usually do have good intentions, especially ones that start out with "well when you were a baby..." :)

2. Don't put your kids to bed when they're tired, put them to bed when you're tired of them. This sounds worse than it is, but it makes total sense. Babies, and even toddlers, are especially fussy (and annoying) when they are overtired. I used to find myself with a cranky baby, running out of patience as I tried to keep them awake til the next nap time or bedtime. When in reality, I should have just put them to bed. There's an old saying, the more they sleep, the better they sleep. And it has proven so true for us! If you have a scheduled time in your head for when you think your kids should get tired or go to bed, but find yourself getting frustrated because they are cranky or fussy well before that time, sleep might just be the answer!
3. If they're bored or unhappy, they'll let you know. This starts to come into play when you are a new mom with a young baby who is starting to get curious about the world. Do you take them to music class? Mommy & me yoga? Read fourteen books back to back while alternating tummy time & baby Einstein music? Currently, they are three months old & seem pretty content laying on the bed watching the ceiling fan, but surely they must be bored, right? I remember working from home full time when Harper was a new baby & I could never focus because I just kept wondering if my new baby was bored, all swaddled up in her swing listening to music & cooing. And then someone once told me, if they're bored or unhappy, you'll know it. And it's so true! We put so much pressure on ourselves to do all of these THINGS when really, our kids might just be happy hanging around the house using their imagination. Or watching the ceiling fan.

4. Hug it out. I am living this one on the daily. Our strong willed, free-spirited children sometimes give us a run for our money, and their tantrums sometimes seem unstoppable. But I have learned this the hard way, continuing to try to discipline or raise my voice or even try to talk it out doesn't usually work. Sometimes it takes wrapping up your little monster in a big, tight bear hug, even though at that moment it's probably the last thing you want to do. This is the oldest trick in the book for my little Eloise, she is a lover, not a fighter.

5. Everything is a season. This one is so, so true, and something we can all cling to during those terrible twos or middle of the night feedings. It is both good and bad, time is fleeting & soon we will all look back and wonder how the years went by so quickly. And we will wonder how we were ever so tired and frustrated and overwhelmed, because it only lasted for a few seconds, right? :) So when you feel like whatever is happening is never going to end, just remember that it will. And, by golly, we will miss it. 

 Photo by Scobey Photography

Happy first day of April, friends! Have a wonderful weekend, hopefully more flowers than showers! XO

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